I'll be the first to admit that kids are a JOY....  and a Pain (Sometimes).  However, I've compiled a list of 10 phrases that absolutely drive me nuts.  Yes, my kids have said all of these at one time or another (except for #7).  Feel free to add your own, and enjoy!


1. "I wet myself." Said inevitably the very night I have changed the sheets.

2. "It wasn't me!" preceded by a loud bang. Never a good sign.

Amazing how a word that once sounded so beautiful can become the most annoying thing ever when it's yelled seven times in a row.

4. "My tummy hurts."
Either a sign of upcoming vomit or diarrhea. Two banes of my existence.

5. "Don't be mad, but ..." A pretty sure sign that I will in fact be mad.?

6.  Why. Repeated with why. Followed by why. Sometimes I just don't know!

7. "My head is itchy."
No. Not lice. For the love of God, not lice. Anything but lice.

8. "I have to go potty." Said on the highway, in a snow suit, or in the middle of a movie. Always.

9. "But so and so's parents let them!"
Remind me why I'm supposed to care about so and so? Because I don't.

10. "I'm telling the truth!"
While turning bright red and stuttering. I know you way better than that, kid. Just stop.

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