Deaf Wichita Falls Boy Gets Emotional After Hearing New Sounds For First Time With New Hearing Aids
We often take for granted the basic abilities most of us have, which makes it easy to forget just how beautiful something like hearing a simple sound for the very first time can be.
Wichita Falls ISD deaf education teacher Mrs. Deanna Draper shared this amazing video (seen above) of a local 5-year-old boy hearing new sounds after receiving a new set of hearing aids, giving us a peek at the amazing things our special education teachers are doing here in Wichita Falls, and all over the country.
The boy in the video has profound hearing loss in both ears and is a student at the Wichita Falls Regional Day School program for the deaf at Cunningham Elementary. Mrs. Draper says he communicates well with his parents and teachers with American Sign Language and had hearing aids when he was much younger, but this is the first time in over a year that he is able to hear certain new sounds with the new hearing aids.
In the video, Mrs. Draper and Speech-Language Pathologist Mrs. Brandi Ward are giving him his first LING hearing test to make sure the amplification was working properly. When the boy hears the sound Mrs. Draper is making behind him he is to drop the plastic bear into the cup.
After hearing the first sound, the boy immediately gets emotional. As the test continues, the sweet little boy begins to tear up, filling his teachers with emotion as well. "Yes, those are tears in his eyes as he hears sounds and acknowledges by dropping the bear. Not a dry eye in the room," Mrs. Draper said.
The video was recorded on Friday (9/7) and Mrs. Draper tells us that he was so excited when he walked into her classroom Monday morning and was very eager to start the test again. "My heart is so blessed and excited to see what is to come! I love my students way beyond the moon and back!" she said.
This little boy's priceless reaction shows just how truly precious these basic aspects of life really are.
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