It's only a few weeks into the new year and the students at Booker T. Washington Elementary School in Wichita Falls, Tex. have been extremely busy preparing for the the annual STAAR exam, as well as doing all they can to raise money for a much needed playground.

The staff at Booker T. Washington have created a rap video (above) called "Study" starring their own Mr. Chris Evans (aka Big Body) to motivate students to study and raise the funds needed for the new playground in a fun and entertaining way. The video is a parody remix of the rap song "Cut It" by O.T. Genasis.

While the STAAR test only involves 3rd through 5th graders, the need for a new playground involves all of the students. Booker T. Washington teaches students in Pre-K through 5th grade and 98% of those students are economically disadvantaged, and over 90% minority.

A playground is essential in children's development, including the development of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive skills. A playground allows students to be more active while also learning needed social skills. Currently, none of the students can play on the playground they have.The picture below makes this need very clear, the playground they have is far to small and outdated to the point that it's unusable.

Current playground at Booker T. Washington Elementary in Wichita Falls

Please help to make this wish for the students come true by helping them raise enough money to purchase a brand new playground that they so deserve. Any donation will be gratefully appreciated and will surely put a smile on each and every student's face. Visit their GoFundMe page here to make a donation and find out more information on how you can help make this wish a reality.

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