Midwestern State Is Helping Smokers Kick Their Daily Habit
Did you already give up on your New Year’s Resolution? If so, Midwestern State University is here to help! That is, if your resolution was to quit smoking.
MSU is working with the American Lung Association to help smokers quit their daily habit, by offering Freedom from Smoking. Starting next month, the university will have classes designed to help people kick their smoking habit for good. The classes will be taught by Jessica Fino, who is an assistant professor in the universities' Respiratory Care Department. MSU Students will also assist her with teaching the class.
Just this week the American Lung Association, released its State of Control report, which is basically a report card that grades each state in five different categories to end both smoking tobacco usage all together. Not only did Texas receive a failing grade, but the state got straight F’s in every single category. How embarrassing!

The report ranks each state in the following categories:
- State Funding for Tobacco Control Program Funding
- State Smoking Restrictions
- Cigarette & Tobacco Taxes
- Access To Cessation Services
- Restrictions on Flavored Tobacco Products
Unfortunately, Texas got an F in every single one of those categories.
The Freedom from Smoking class is open to both MSU students, and the general public. Registration is $15, and is non-refundable. The course starts on February 22nd and runs through April 12th. The class will meet in person, in room 302 in Centennial Hall, on the MSU campus every Tuesday evening from 5:30 PM to 7 PM.
If you are interested in kicking your smoking habit, and want to enroll in the course, or if you just want more information, then you can e-mail the classes professor Jessica Fino at Jessica.fino@msutexas.edu.
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